Casa de Campo | Blog | Casa de Campo is Green

Costasur-Casa de Campo launches Recycling Program

Keeping up with the commitment of making the world, our country and our community, greener and more sustainable places, Casa de Campo Resort & Villas and Costasur Dominicana present the first stage of the “Casa de Campo is Green” recycling project.

As of October 1st, a total of 20 trash cans have been placed in different areas of the resort with the objective of offering an option to the community to classify some of their domestic waste and dispose of them in a more conscious, environmentally responsible way.

These trash cans are blue and have two compartments: #1 is intended for the disposal of plastic bottles; #2 will be for full glass bottles, tin cans, and aluminum soda cans. This waste should be clean and free of organic agents.

The waste from these trash cans will be collected on a program independent from the one handling conventional wet waste, and with a collection frequency according to the volumes generated by the community. Once gathered, the waste will be sent to a collection center for removal by means of duly certified recycling agents.

Mr. Juan O. Velásquez, VP and Administrator of Costasur, points out that “with this new effort we are undertaking today, we reaffirm our commitment to make Casa de Campo an example to be followed by all Dominicans in their pledge to take care of the environment and leave a better Dominican Republic to future generations.”

Recently we have been taking important first environmental steps with the renovation of all of the project’s road lighting to LED bulbs, and changing all employees transportation vehicles to compressed natural gas combustion, making a significant contribution to reduce our carbon footprint.

For this new waste sorting and recycling endeavor, we need the cooperation and support of all the Casa de Campo owners and visitors.

We are very thrilled and motivated to take these first steps towards a better future!

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