Here in the Dominican Republic, we take Christmas seriously! The holiday season starts near the end of October and continues into January, making Casa de Campo Resort & Villas the perfect place to immerse yourself in the festive spirit.


A choir sings during a Dominican Christmas celebration at Casa de Campo Resort & VillasThe revelry here begins on the streets. Lights twinkle from lamp posts and palms, while nativity scenes decorate the lawns and windows of shops and government buildings. Giant Poinsettias bloom outside of homes, while inside, snowy white Christmas trees replace evergreens. Over the noise of fireworks, carolers can be heard traveling door to door, visiting with neighbors and chatting over coffee, rum, and homemade ginger tea.

Music can also be heard throughout the streets of Altos de Chavón, as we celebrate Christmas Dominican-style. Listen to the Madrigalistas Choir perform traditional Christmas carols on December 24th, or stop by on the 25th to enjoy the Armonia Choir’s family-friendly, interactive Christmas Concert.



Santa and his elves at Altos de Chavon, Dominican RepublicTraditionally, January 6th, Dia de los Reyes Magos (Day of the Kings) is the day we exchange gifts in the Dominican Republic. At Casa de Campo, we’ve added a twist to our celebrations by having Santa visit on December 25th. After all, with so many guests visiting from away, we couldn’t exclude the jolly fellow from our holiday festivities. Gather with family as Santa arrives at Plaza de Chavon to meet the kiddies and hand out treats.

Of course, there’s no need to wait for Santa to bring presents. Get into the local spirit and set up Un Angelito (little angel) gift exchange. Like Secret Santa, participants draw names and leave anonymous gifts each week throughout the holidays, revealing themselves on the final day of the exchange. You need not look far for ideas either, the shops at Casa de Campo boast a large selection of holiday gifts options. From locally crafted jewelry and cigars to designer goods, we’ve got your gift guide covered.



A festive turkey dinner.For Dominicans, the real highlight of the season is not Christmas day, but Nochebuena (Christmas Eve), when friends and family gather to enjoy a feast. Some seasonal favorites include roast pork or chicken, Russian salad, bread, sweets, and the famed pasteles en hojas, a steamed banana leaf wrapped pouch filled with meat, cheese, and vegetables. After dinner, locals usually spend the evening on their porches, enjoying wine or rum and socializing with family and neighbors before Midnight Mass.

Here at Casa de Campo, we replicate this communal celebration for our guests by holding our own Christmas Eve celebrations. At Plaza Chavón, we are proud to host our own delicious traditional feast at La Piazzetta Restaurant. Following dinner, we invite guests of all denominations to stop by Christmas Eve Mass at St. Stanislaus Church, and cap off your night with an eggnog toast before whisking off to bed with thoughts of sugar plums dancing in your head.

Just because you’re away for the holidays, doesn’t mean you can’t feel at home. Visit our events page for more details on Casa de Campo’s holiday celebrations.

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